Sustainability in Mind

Livestock farming – especially in North East India is one of the primary sources of living and if not a primary source then dependence on livestock as an alternative source of income is also very significant as almost 85% of the rural population is involved in it. Consumption of meat is also an important and common source of protein in the NE as animal proteins, such as meat, eggs, and milk, are complete proteins, meaning they provide all of the essential amino acids our body needs.

We understand that livestock production lead to emission of greenhouse gases affecting our environment. Therefore we have taken certain measures to try and neutralize our carbon footprint on our planet; such as –

  • In an effort to neutralize our carbon footprint on our planet we plant a minimum of 20 trees every year within our vicinity in Khowang.
  • All our meat is sourced from animals/fish from local farmers within the vicinity of our village area in Khowang to avoid the excess burning of fuel for transport.
  • With a network of more than 100+ farmers in collaboration with us – we are determined to improve livelihoods of as many local farmers as possible and focus on sustainable farming practices.
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